Work details |
ARISTOPHANES. "Aristophanis comoediae - accedunt perditarum fabularum fragmenta". |
Oxonii: E Typographeo Academico, 1835 - 1838
8vo (220 x 143 mm) 6 volumes. 1: 413 pages, 2: 418 - 723 pages, 3ii: 456 - 828 pages, 4i: xvii, 20 - 582 pages, 4ii: 543 pages, 4iii: 496 pages.
"The comedies of Aristophanes. Additionally, passages from the missing stories. Curated by G. Dindorf."
6 volumes (out of 7.) Missing volume 3-i: ("Annotationes"). Volumes 1 and 2 contain the texts of Aristophanes. Volume 3 is divided in 2 parts (volume 3-ii is present) and contains commentary in Latin. Volume 4 is divided in
3 parts and contains commentary in Ancient Greek. Leather bound volumes,
three of which with a decorated spine. Marbling inside covers and edges. Volumes 1, 4-ii are missing covers. Volume 4-i is missing the upper cover and part of the spine. Volume 2 has a torn upper seam, and is missing part of the spine. Ex
libris in volumes 2, 3-i, 4-iii.
Texts in Ancient Greek, prologues and commentaries in Latin.
[Bibliography: Gennadius Library BSA, Ba 111-BSA, Ba 111.4, Blegen, RA 96/80,
L.C. PA3875 .A2 1835, other editions: Brunet 455, B.L. W4/2319 DSC,
995.h.18.] (6)